It is a condition that occurs as a result of compression of soft tissues in the narrow area between the shoulder head and the bone in the shoulder joint. shoulder impingementIt may be due to inflammation such as tendinitis and bursitis. It causes symptoms such as pain during movement, limitation of movement and weakness. Usually, repetitive movements, incorrect posture or injuries can lead to this condition.
Shoulder Impingement Symptoms
Pain in the upper arm is the most common symptom. The pain is often exacerbated by lifting the arm up or making certain movements. It may limit the mobility of the shoulder joint. It may become difficult to lift the arms up or move them backwards. Muscle weakness may occur. This can make it difficult to do daily activities.
Pain may be felt, especially at night or while lying down. Cracking or squeaking sounds may be heard during movement. The affected area may be tender to the touch. Shoulder impingement symptoms If you are experiencing it, it is important to see your doctor. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment ensures relief of symptoms. It may help prevent the condition from getting worse.
Who Gets Shoulder Impingement?
It is more common in middle-aged and older individuals. Because shoulder joints and tendons can wear out over time. It is more common in people who need to use their shoulders frequently, especially those who make upward movements. This may affect some athletes (for example, baseball or tennis players).
It can also affect some occupational groups (for example, painters or construction workers). Some health conditions such as diabetes may cause it. Those with low physical fitness levels and poor posture may be at risk.
Previous injuries or surgical interventions may cause it. These factors shoulder impingement Although it increases the risk, it is important to remember that the condition can develop in any individual. If you are experiencing pain or limited movement, it is best to consult your doctor.
How to relieve shoulder tightness?
Avoiding activities that strain your shoulder and cause pain will improve the condition. Applying an ice pack to the painful area for 20 minutes several times a day for the first 48 hours can reduce swelling and pain. After the first two days, applying heat can help the healing process by increasing blood circulation.
Special exercises and stretching movements may be helpful to increase mobility and strength. Physical therapists can prepare special programs for you in this regard. Recommended anti-inflammatory medications can be used to relieve pain and inflammation.
In severe cases, corticosteroid injections quickly reduce inflammation. Surgery becomes an option for severe cases that do not respond to conservative treatments. shoulder impingement You should consult your doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment method for your condition and to learn the right exercises. Be sure to consult a specialist before self-treatment.
Shoulder Impingement Exercises
Stand facing the wall. Place your arms on the wall and try to stretch your shoulders by slowly leaning your torso back. Open your arms to the sides and make warm-up movements by drawing small circles. Increase the range of motion of your shoulders by slowly increasing this movement.
While facing the wall, “climb” up the wall with your fingertips. It helps increase mobility. While sitting or standing, pull your shoulders back and tuck them in. Hold this movement for a few seconds and then release.
You can do shoulder rotation movements using an elastic exercise band. It strengthens your muscles and increases their flexibility. Shoulder impingement exercises It is important to consult your doctor before doing this. If you feel pain during exercises, stop the movement and consult a specialist.