It is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and limitation of movement in the knee joint as a result of wear and degeneration of the articular cartilage. Knee arthritis in young people, It is caused by factors such as sports injuries, excess weight, and genetic predisposition. This situation negatively affects young people's daily activities and their ability to do sports. It requires early treatment.
What are the symptoms of knee arthritis in young people?
The most common symptom is pain in the knee. Pain may increase especially during activities such as walking, running, and climbing stairs. It is also possible for pain to continue during rest or at night. Swelling may occur in the knee. This swelling may be caused by inflammation in the joint or fluid accumulation within the joint. Stiffness may be felt in the knee in the morning or after being inactive for a long time. There may be limited movement in the knee. The knee joint may not be able to bend or open fully.
There may be a locking or stuck feeling in the knee due to cartilage fragments formed in the joint or other reasons. Rubbing or cracking sounds may be heard when the knee is moved. This is a sign of wear on the joint surfaces. Due to pain in the knee, there may be weakness in the leg muscles, making it difficult to support the knee. Weakness and pain in the knee can cause a feeling of instability when walking. In advanced cases, knee joint deformities (inward or outward bending of the legs) may occur. Knee arthritis in young people, It develops due to injuries, genetic factors, and excess weight. Early diagnosis and treatment can slow the progression of arthritis and relieve symptoms.
What Causes Knee Calcification in Young People?
Genetic predisposition, knee arthritis in young people may play an important role in its development. Individuals with a family history of knee arthritis may have a higher risk of experiencing this condition. Serious injuries and sports accidents in the knee cause cartilage damage and arthritis in the long term. Such injuries cause cartilage tissue to fail to regenerate. Although exercising is important for a healthy life, excessive or incorrect sports activities can damage the knee joint. Heavy sports and training, especially with wrong techniques, can cause it. Excessive weight puts additional load on the knee joints, which can lead to wear of cartilage tissue and arthritis. Obesity at a young age is an important factor that increases risk.
Some young people may be born with congenital joint anomalies or disorders. These conditions can increase the risk by disrupting the normal functioning of the knee joints. Joint infections can lead to inflammation and damage in the knee joint. This situation causes degeneration of cartilage tissue and calcification in the long term. Hormonal changes during youth can have an impact on joint health. Hormonal fluctuations during adolescence can affect the structure of joint cartilage and increase risk. Nutritional habits and lifestyle directly affect joint health. Factors such as malnutrition, calcium and vitamin D deficiency can lead to weakening of joint cartilage. At the same time knee arthritis in young people may cause it to occur.
Treatment Methods for Knee Calcification in Young People
Excess weight puts extra load on the knee joints. Losing weight may relieve symptoms by reducing stress on joints. Low-impact exercises strengthen muscles and increase joint mobility. Activities such as swimming, cycling and walking knee arthritis in young people Recommended in case of Anti-inflammatory diets may support joint health.
It is important to consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin D. Physical therapists can create special exercise programs for young people. These programs aim to increase joint mobility, strengthen muscles and reduce pain. Methods such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation can also be used. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen can relieve pain.
Corticosteroid injections into the knee reduce inflammation. It relieves pain in the short term. Hyaluronic acid injections, Increases the viscosity of joint fluid. It improves joint mobility and reduces pain. Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. It cleans the damaged tissues in the joint. In the osteotomy procedure, corrections are made to the bone structure to redistribute the load on the knee joint. In advanced cases, damaged joint parts are removed.
Metal or plastic prostheses are placed instead. Some patients report that acupuncture is effective in relieving pain and inflammation. Massage can reduce muscle tension by increasing blood flow. Joint support bands can relieve pain by supporting the joint during movement. Knee arthritis in young people In treatment, it is important to create treatment appropriate to the symptoms. With early intervention and correct treatment methods, the progression of the condition can be slowed down and quality of life can be improved.