What is Hip Bursitis?

Hip Bursitis

It is the inflammation of the fluid-filled sacs (bursa) in the hip joint that reduce friction. hip bursitis It usually occurs as a result of repetitive movements or excessive pressure. It manifests itself with pain, tenderness and swelling around the hip. Treatment includes rest, ice application, anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. It is diagnosed through orthopedic examination and imaging tests when necessary.

What are the Symptoms of Hip Bursitis?

Hip Bursitis

Pain felt on the outside or above the hip can often be localized in the bursal area. The pain may increase as you move or put pressure on the bursa. Sensitivity and discomfort are felt when the bursal area is touched or pressed. Due to inflammation, swelling may occur in the bursal area. This swelling may increase or change over time.

The skin may feel warm in the area of inflammation. hip bursitis People with this condition may have difficulty performing some movements. They may have difficulty stepping on the hip, especially by laying it on its side. Rarely, redness may occur in the bursal area. However, this symptom may occur along with other signs of infection. Hip bursitis symptoms It is usually not severe, and treatment and recovery are usually successful. If you have symptoms, it is important to see an orthopedic specialist and receive the correct diagnosis and treatment.

What Causes Hip Bursitis?

The bursae around the hip joint act as cushioning, preventing the muscles and bones from rubbing. Repetitive movements and exposure to pressure cause irritation and inflammation in the bursae. Blows and direct trauma to the hip area cause inflammation in the bursae. For example, a blow to the hip resulting from a fall may cause inflammation of the bursa. In certain professions, constant pressure on the hip causes inflammation of the bursae. For example, activities such as standing for long periods of time or bending the knees frequently hip bursitis may cause it to occur.

In rare cases, if a bacteria or germ gets inside the bursa, the infection causes bursitis. This condition can often occur after surgical intervention or serious trauma. Metabolic diseases or systemic diseases may predispose in some cases. hip bursitis Symptoms usually appear as pain, swelling, redness and limitation of movement in the hip area. It is treated with rest, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy.

Hip Bursitis

What are the Treatment Methods for Hip Bursitis?

In the first stage, it is recommended to rest the affected area and make changes in activities. Overload should be avoided. Applying cold or hot compresses to the area may relieve symptoms. Cold application often helps reduce inflammation. Heat application can relax muscles. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs taken with the recommendation of a doctor reduce pain and inflammation.

Physical therapy programs include exercises to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility. Steroid injections are given directly into the bursa and can reduce pain and inflammation locally. Rarely, large and infected hip bursitis In such cases, the fluid content of the bursa can be drained. Special shoes or equipment may be used to protect the affected area and reduce stress. Surgical intervention may be required in chronic and treatment-resistant cases. The choice of treatment should be determined based on the patient's symptoms, health history, and lifestyle. In any case, it is important to consult with an orthopedic specialist to determine your treatment plan.