Causes of Tendinitis

Causes of Tendinitis

It is inflammation or irritation of the connective tissue that connects the muscle, called tendon, to the bones. Tendons help muscles attach to bones and allow the body to move. Most common Causes of tendinitis includes a repetitive movement or overload. It most commonly affects joints such as the elbow, shoulder, wrist, knee or ankle.

What are the symptoms of tendinitis?

Causes of Tendinitis

Tendinitis is a condition that occurs as a result of inflammation and irritation in the tendons. Tendons are thick, flexible fibers that connect muscles to bones. They enable the movements of the body. Causes of tendinitis These include overuse, overload and age.

The most obvious symptom of tendinitis is pain felt in the area where the affected tendon is located. Pain usually begins with movement and decreases during rest. However, when inflammation becomes severe, pain may be felt at rest.

Increased tenderness or pain when pressing on the affected tendon is typical. This sensitivity occurs when pressure is applied directly on or near the tendon. Inflammation of the tendon can cause swelling in the affected area. Swelling often develops as a result of an inflammatory response.

In some cases, redness and increased warmth may be observed in the tendonitis area. This is part of the body's inflammatory response. Inflammation of the tendon can cause limited movement in the affected joint. There may be a feeling of tension and discomfort during movements. In severe cases of tendinitis, normal functions are impaired due to pain and swelling. This can make it difficult to do daily activities.

If symptoms of tendinitis are present, activities should be avoided and a healthcare professional should be consulted. Early intervention is critical for faster recovery and reducing the risk of complications.

What are the causes of tendinitis?

Tendonitis is a condition of inflammation and irritation that occurs in the tendons. Tendons are strong bundles of fibers that connect muscles to bones and allow the body to move. a potential Causes of tendinitis is available. This situation usually occurs as a result of a combination of multiple factors.

Excessive and repetitive loads on the tendons and performing a certain movement frequently cause tears in the tendons. Sudden and heavy loads or taking unexpected steps cause sudden stress and damage to the tendons.

With aging, the flexibility and durability of tendons decrease. This may increase the risk of tendinitis in older individuals. Improper techniques during exercise, sports or daily activities can increase the risk of tendinitis.

Causes of Tendinitis

Occupations or certain sports that require repetitive movements may increase the risk of developing tendinitis. Lack of muscle strength or muscle imbalances lead to overload on certain tendons and the development of tendinitis.

Systemic health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes increase the risk of tendinitis. These diseases affect the body's inflammatory response. It makes tendons more prone to inflammation.

Preventing tendinitis is possible by knowing the risk factors and taking precautions against these factors. Techniques, rest and appropriate equipment, Causes of tendinitis can reduce the risks involved. If you notice symptoms of tendinitis, you should avoid activities and contact your healthcare professional.

Tendinitis Treatment Methods

Tendonitis is a condition that causes inflammation and pain in the tendons. Treatment aims to relieve inflammation, pain and restore function.

  • Resting the affected area helps the tendon heal. Temporarily reducing or stopping activities prevents inflammation from worsening.
  • Applying ice for 15-20 minutes several times a day for the first 48 hours reduces swelling and pain.
  • Applying gentle compression to the affected area will control swelling.
  • Keeping the affected extremity above heart level helps reduce swelling.
  • Medications recommended by your doctor are used to reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Physical therapy is important to increase the flexibility and strength of the tendon, reduce pain and improve function. Stretching and strengthening exercises play a critical role in the recovery process.
  • Exercises performed under doctor supervision increase the flexibility and durability of the tendon and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Ultrasound therapy may be used to speed healing. Physical therapy methods help reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
  • In severe or persistent cases of tendinitis, your doctor may give a corticosteroid injection into the affected area. This may provide short-term pain relief, but long-term use may have side effects.
  • In very rare cases, surgical intervention may be required in cases of chronic tendinitis. Surgery aims to remove or repair damaged tendon tissue.

Treatment, general health condition of the person, Causes of tendinitisIt is personalized according to the severity and location of the tendon. Compliance of patients with doctor's recommendations during the treatment process positively affects the healing process. It also supports functional recovery.