Causes of Hip Fracture

Causes of Hip Fracture

It is the formation of one or more fractures on the hip bone. It is one of the largest bones in the body and joins with the pelvic bone to form the hip joint. Causes of hip fracture It usually occurs as a result of trauma. It is more common in the elderly, people with osteoporosis, and people with low body weight. It can cause severe pain, swelling, bruising and limited movement.

Treatment usually requires surgery. After surgery, patients may need to undergo physical therapy and rehabilitation. Hip fractures can become a serious health problem due to prolonged immobilization and infection. Therefore, it is important for people with hip fractures to be treated and begin the rehabilitation process as soon as possible.

How to Understand the Causes of Hip Fracture?

Causes of Hip FractureCauses of hip fracture, It is usually osteoporosis, falls, loss of balance in older people with a high risk of falling. Various factors such as high-impact traumas, traffic and bicycle accidents are among the causes. Osteoporosis can cause hip fractures because bones become weak and brittle. Aging and hormonal changes also pose a risk of osteoporosis. Falls are the most common factor causing hip fractures, especially in older people. Bones become more fragile as we age, which can lead to fractures.

Bone cancer or other types of cancer can weaken bones and causes of hip fracture it could be. Bacterial or fungal infections can weaken bones. It may cause breakage. Conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, or stroke increase the risk of instability and falls, which can lead to hip fracture. It is more common in people with risk factors, such as the elderly and those with osteoporosis. However, it can happen to anyone at any age. If a hip fracture is suspected, it is important to consult a doctor and receive appropriate treatment.

Can a Broken Hip Bone Heal After Treatment? and How to Strengthen It?

He/she may have difficulty performing certain movements in daily life. These include basic activities such as walking, sitting, lying down and bathing. In the initial stages, a person usually receives treatment for a hip fracture in a hospital. However, after returning home, it may be necessary to proceed slowly with the recovery process and take certain precautions. It improves after treatment. Causes of hip fracture After investigation, surgery is performed in different ways depending on the severity and location of the fracture requiring surgery. After surgery, several months of rehabilitation are required for the fracture to heal completely. It aims to ensure the correct alignment and healing of the bones. For this purpose, the fracture is joined with surgical implants such as metal plates, nails or screws. In addition, patients need to manage their pain.

It is important to restore mobility of the hip joint. Painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs and physical therapy can also be used for this. After recovery, patients want to return to their normal activities. They need to maintain hip joint mobility. For this reason, it is important for them to continue their physical therapy and exercise programs. However, depending on the severity of the fracture and the age of the patient, the healing process and results may vary. As a result, hip fractures can heal after treatment. However, the healing process causes of hip fracture and may vary depending on the age of the patient. Therefore, patients with hip fractures need to start treatment early. It is important that they follow medical advice correctly.