How Long Does Meniscus Tear Surgery Take?

How Long Does Meniscus Tear Surgery Take?

It is a condition caused by the tearing of the cartilage structure in the knee joint. It often occurs as a result of sports injuries or as a natural part of the aging process. How long does meniscus tear surgery take? It varies depending on the surgical method used and the severity of the tear.

How Long Does Meniscus Tear Surgery Take and What Is It?

How Long Does Meniscus Tear Surgery Take?

It is a surgical intervention performed to repair or remove cartilage tissue in the knee joint. The duration of this surgery may vary depending on the surgical method used and the severity of the tear.

Meniscus repair is a procedure in which torn meniscus tissue is repaired by stitching. This procedure is preferred in cases where the meniscus has healing potential. Meniscus repair surgery usually takes 1-2 hours.

Partial meniscectomy is a procedure in which some of the torn meniscus tissue is removed. This method is used when removing a large portion of the tear is sufficient. Partial meniscectomy is usually a shorter procedure and is completed in 30-60 minutes.

A certain amount of time is required to prepare the patient for anesthesia and to sterilize the surgical area. Anesthesia administration (general or local) and preparation time usually takes 30-45 minutes. This time should be added to the total surgery time.

After surgery, it takes time for the patient to wake up from anesthesia and the post-operative care process. Postoperative observation period may vary depending on the patient's general health condition and the complexity of the surgery.

Meniscus tear surgery Duration may vary depending on the surgical method used and the severity of the tear. Meniscus repair usually takes 1-2 hours, while partial meniscectomy is completed in 30-60 minutes.

How is Meniscus Tear Surgery Performed?

Meniscus tear surgeryIt is a surgical procedure to repair or remove torn meniscus tissue in the knee joint. This surgery is usually performed with a minimally invasive technique called arthroscopy.

  • Before the surgery, the patient is anesthetized or anesthetized with general or regional anesthesia. Anesthesia application prevents any pain or discomfort during surgery. The knee area is sterilized and prepared for the surgical procedure.
  • The surgeon makes several small incisions in the knee joint. These incisions are used to insert a thin tube called an arthroscope and surgical instruments into the joint.
  • If the meniscus tear is repairable, the surgeon repairs its edges with stitches or fixation material. This method supports the natural healing process of meniscus tissue.
  • If the meniscus tear is too large or complex to repair, the surgeon removes some of the torn meniscus tissue. This process preserves the healthy part of the meniscus and ensures that the joint continues to function.
  • After the surgical procedure is completed, the arthroscope and surgical instruments are removed. Small incisions are closed using stitches or surgical tape. Since these incisions are usually small, the healing process is quick.
  • After the surgery, a bandage is applied to the patient's knee and attempts are made to reduce swelling and pain with ice packs. Physical therapy helps the patient regain knee functions. Most patients can return to their daily activities a few weeks after surgery.

Meniscus tear surgeryIt is an effective treatment method performed with minimally invasive techniques. Arthroscopic surgery offers faster recovery time and less risk of complications.

After Meniscus Tear Surgery

How is Meniscus Tear Surgery Performed?

The recovery process is critical for patients to return to their daily lives quickly and healthily.

Immediately after surgery, your knee will be bandaged and ice will be applied to reduce swelling and pain. Sutures or tapes in the surgical area should be protected and kept clean. Pain is common in the postoperative period. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications to manage pain. You should use these medications as recommended by your doctor.

Physical therapy is an important part of the post-operative recovery process. The rehabilitation process may vary depending on whether meniscus repair or partial meniscectomy is performed. However, it can usually take between a few weeks and a few months.

Patients can return to light daily activities a few days after surgery. However, the full recovery process may take several weeks. Heavy physical activities and sports should be avoided. Your doctor will guide you on when you can return to your normal activities.

If stitches were used during surgery, they are usually removed within a week to 10 days after surgery. There may be slight discomfort while removing the stitches, but the procedure is usually quick and painless.

Regular doctor checks after surgery are important to monitor the healing process. During these checks, your doctor evaluates the healing process of your knee. He makes changes to the treatment plan when deemed necessary.

The postoperative recovery process requires careful care and compliance with doctor's instructions. By paying attention to this process, you can achieve a faster and healthier recovery. You can regain the functions of your knee in the best way possible. How long does meniscus tear surgery take? You can contact us for questions such as.