It is also medically called “adhesive capsulitis” or “frozen shoulder”. frozen shoulder syndrome It is a condition that causes pain, stiffness and limitation of movement in the joint. Generally, the range of motion of the shoulder is limited due to the effects of tissues located outside the shoulder joint.
What are the symptoms of Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
A feeling of pain may begin in the shoulder area and increase over time. This pain may become more pronounced, especially when you move or apply pressure. Range of motion may be limited. There may be limitations in movements, especially in movements such as lifting upwards, carrying them backwards or bringing them back.
frozen shoulder syndrome People with this disease often experience pain, especially at night. This pain can disrupt your sleep and wake you up. Symptoms usually develop slowly. In the initial stage, mild pain and limitation of movement may be experienced, but these symptoms may become severe over time.
Increased sensitivity may be felt when touched or pressure is applied. It is not clear exactly why it occurs. If frozen shoulder syndrome If you experience symptoms, it is recommended that you consult a doctor.
Your doctor can guide you to take the appropriate steps for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment usually includes physical therapy, painkillers, steroid injections and surgery.
What are the Risk Factors for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
It is generally more common in individuals over the age of 40. With age, the elasticity of connective tissue may decrease, which may increase the risk of developing it. It tends to be more common in women than in men. Some chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, thyroid problems, frozen shoulder syndrome increases the risk.
Prolonged immobilization or disuse of the arm may increase the risk of the syndrome. For example, putting an arm in a cast or restricting movement after surgery. Previous injuries or surgery to the area may increase the risk.
Family history may influence risk. Having this condition in the family in previous generations may increase the individual's risk. Situations in which the thyroid gland is overactive or underactive may increase the risk. Hormonal changes may increase the risk of the syndrome in women during menopause.
Connective tissue diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus are among the risk factors. Shoulder joint problems or recurring pain may increase the risk. Stressful life events or psychological factors may increase susceptibility in some people.
Risk factors may differ for each individual. These factors alone frozen shoulder syndrome It does not guarantee that it will develop. If you are experiencing symptoms or have risk factors, it is important to see a healthcare professional.
What are the Treatment Methods for Frozen Shoulder Syndrome?
Physiotherapy plays an important role in treatment. Physiotherapists recommend manual therapy to strengthen shoulder muscles and increase flexibility.
Doctors may recommend corticosteroid injections to reduce pain and inflammation in the joint. However, this treatment option should be used in a limited manner as it may have side effects with long-term use.
Physiotherapists use manual therapy to increase the mobility of the joint. These techniques also help relax the muscles. In the passive manipulation technique, the expert applies controlled external movement to the shoulder joint.
This may increase joint mobility, but should be done with caution. Home exercises recommended by a physiotherapist are important to strengthen muscles. At the same time, these exercises are also effective in increasing flexibility and maintaining range of motion.
Methods such as ice therapy and hot water bottles can help reduce pain and relax muscles. It is important that your shoulder rests in the correct position. It is also important to be supported during sleep and to be in the correct positions during daily activities.
In rare cases, surgery may be considered if other treatment methods are not effective. Surgical options may include capsule release or joint manipulation. The treatment approach should be individualized according to the patient's condition and the severity of his symptoms. a health professional, frozen shoulder syndrome It will help you determine the most appropriate treatment plan for your condition.