Meniscus Tear Surgery

Meniscus Tear Surgery

It is a procedure performed as a result of the rupture of the cartilage structures in the knee joint, which frequently causes sports injuries. Meniscus tear surgery, restores index functionality. It is performed to reduce pain and support the patient in regaining mobility. It is usually done with minimally invasive techniques. The patient is directed to the rehabilitation process after the operation. The procedure aims to restore and improve knee health.

In Which Situations Is Meniscus Tear Surgery Performed?

Meniscus Tear Surgery

It may be considered in people experiencing severe knee pain, especially when medications, physical therapy, and rest have not worked. In case the knee locks or jams, emergency may be required. This condition refers to a condition where a piece of the meniscus becomes stuck inside the joint, preventing movement. It is especially common among active athletes. It may make it difficult to continue sports activities and surgery may be required.

It may be considered in young and active people when they experience pain and loss of function. It can be seen more frequently in young individuals compared to older individuals. In treatment, medications, physical therapy and other conservative methods may be tried initially. However, if there is no response to these methods or if the tear is severe, surgical intervention may be required. Meniscus tear surgeryIt may involve surgically repairing or removing the damaged section.

Your doctor will evaluate which method is most appropriate based on your activity level, type and severity of the tear. Whether surgical intervention is required and what type of surgery is required is determined depending on the patient's symptoms. Therefore, it is important to consult an orthopedic surgeon when in doubt or diagnosis.

Things to Consider After Meniscus Tear Surgery

Meniscus Tear Surgery

your surgeon After meniscus tear surgery Carefully follow the instructions given for the care and rehabilitation process. Instructions may include topics such as wound care, medication use, physical therapy program, and restrictions. Focus on rest and the healing process.

Limit physical activities and avoid lifting weights. Do not return to work or daily activities for the recommended time. Keep the wound area clean and dry. Follow your surgeon's instructions for wound care. If you see any signs of infection, contact your doctor immediately.

Regularly use painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by your surgeon. Take medications as directed. Participate in the recommended physical therapy program. The program will help you regain muscle strength and increase your range of motion.

Continue to use crutches or a splint for as long as your surgeon recommends. Devices are used to ease weight bearing and protect your knee. Plan your return to work by consulting your doctor. Try to adjust your activities at work to protect your knee.

Avoid strenuous exercises and sports for the recommended period. Follow a physical therapy program to strengthen your knee muscles and ligaments. Attend scheduled follow-up appointments regularly. Check-ups are important to monitor the healing process and update the treatment plan when necessary. Report any abnormal symptoms (e.g., increased pain, swelling) to your doctor immediately.

Meniscus tear surgery post- The period may vary from person to person. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the recommendations and keep in regular communication with your surgeon. The healing process requires patience and care, so try to achieve the best result by following the recommendations.